Phillies TTM: My Off-Season Plan

Well, it's that time of year again...November is here and we are looking at a good three months until pitchers and catchers arrive in Clearwater.  As I lamented last October I have interests that keep me busy during the baseball offseason, but will freely admit it's not my favorite time of the year.  To help time pass I ramp up my TTM activity.  Here are a few of the projects I'll be working on this Winter:

1965 Phillies Team Ball
I started this project last Fall and now have six autographs on it.  Because of the long wait from Jack Baldschun, progress stopped in March.  A few guys I hope to add this year are: Clay Dalrymple, Grant Jackson, John Herrnstein and Bobby Wine.

Jack Baldschun on
1965 Phillies Team Ball

1977 Phillies Team Ball
The 1977 Phillies will go down as one of the better team's in franchise history.  Unfortunately, they lost to the LA Dodgers in the NLCS.  I have been plugging away at this one here and there for the past year, too.  So far I've collected seven team members though TTM and added Warren Brusstar at a local signing.  A couple guys I'd like to add this Winter are: Ron Reed, Larry Bowa and Jay Johnstone.  

1977 Phillies Team Ball
1993 World Series Program Cover
Started in August 2011, I have collected up to 14 signatures.  Until this past summer, all had been TTM, but I did pay to have Kevin Stocker and Kim Batiste (who do not do TTM) sign it.  The '93 Phillies are pretty good signers, and I am still missing some key members.  My TTM hit list includes Wes Chamberlin and Pete Incaviglia.

Non-Phillie Targets
I also think I may add a few HOF single-signed balls this year.  I have had a lot of success in the past with Hall of Famers, and there are quite a few who are currently signing - including Al Kaline who has returned my money and ball (unsigned) three separate times.  I would really like to add him, Ferguson Jenkins, Reggie Jackson and Wade Boggs.