Phillies TTM: Week of 2/18/13
I am anxiously awaiting my first 2013 Spring Training success. To date I have 16 items resting down in Florida. My focus was mainly on younger players (DeFratus, Aumont, Rosenberg, etc) but did also send my annual request to Charlie Manuel and even hit a few former Phillies known for TTM success. In the meantime, I have continued sending existing projects out to some of the "older" guys...
1993 World Series Program Cover - David West
After years of failures at his home address, David West recently emerged as a reliable TTM signer. He is the latest player to accept TTM requests at his place of employment (Memphis Baseball Academy in West's case). Since last fall, the big lefty has been turning around requests in a week or less. I actually wrote my request to him a few months ago - but was a little nervous to send my cover to the Academy. After months of success history I figured is was safe to send it away. This one's coming together nicely...