Phillies TTM: Week of 2/4/13

This past week had an unintentional theme as I received two returns from former Phillies managers...

Frank Luchessi

Frank Luchessi signed photo

I found this picture while scrolling through results of a Google image search (sorry, don't remember the keywords).  It shows the Phillies lined up on Opening Day 1971 - the first game at the Vet.  Knowing that Luchessi is a good TTMer, I printed it out to send.  After about ten days it came back signed in blue Sharpie.

Nick Leyva

Nick Leyva signed
1989 Tastykake card

One of my half-started projects - 1989 Tastykake team set...
I have a few cards from this set signed, but have never really committed to finishing it off.  I noticed that Leyva had a few recent TTM successes and decided to revisit the set.  I believe he is still coaching with the Pirates - probably could catch him in Florida if interested.