My Ebay Watchlist: "Phantom" Memorabilia Edition

My ebay watch list is maxed-out again.  While scrolling through the list, I came across several "phantom" Phillies collectibles.  Here are a few...

1964 World Series Phantom Ticket Lot
We've probably all seen a few phantom tickets from the 1964 World Series, you might even have one in your collection.  This lot contains four sets of four intact ticket strips (one from each Philadelphia home game), with an interesting bonus: a rain check for Game 7.  The seller's description states it's the first time they have seen the rain check - make that two of us!

1964 World Series
Rain Check
BIN: $750
Link to the auction.

1976 World Series Press Pin
1976 was the "break-through" season for the Schmidt/Carlton Phillies of the 1970s and 80s.  After adding pieces to build around the young and talented nucleus, the team finally made it to the playoffs in '76 after winning the NL East.

The pin has a pretty simple design, featuring the cherry-red script logo and "World Series" pennant wrapped around a baseball bat.  Missing the case isn't a deal breaker for me.  The pin would would look pretty nice in a display with other Phillies World Series pins...

1976 Phillies Phantom
World Series Pin

BIN: $29.95
Link to the auction.

2011 Post Season Phantom Ticket Lot
If you are a younger fan, the first two lots may not have left you bitter.  Don't feel bad, here is your chance...

2011 was a great season for the Phillies...up until the playoffs.  No doubt, all of these tickets should have been used that Fall, unfortunately, the Phils fell to the Cardinals before they could get out of the first round.  As sour as this set of tickets may make you, I think the $20 price tag is pretty decent...

Lot of Phillies, 2011 Post Season Tickets

BIN: $20
Link to the auction.