I am always trolling flea markets, garage sales and online marketplaces looking for unique, one-of-a-kind Phillies items for my collection. In addition to buying memorabilia, I am an avid autograph collector - doing both in-person and TTM. I will use this section to provide updates on the progress being made to some of my current autograph projects.
2009 Phillies Team Ball
Background: My collection is primarily based on team-themed items. One of the first team balls I set out to collect (way back) was for the 1980 World Championship team. Since then I have continued the idea of ensuring I have a ball for each of the following Phillies teams that made a World Series appearance (I can guarantee I will never have one for either the 1915 or 1950 teams). It is currently one of two 2009 team items I am working on (also have the
Dick Perez WS Lithograph).
Goal: To acquire the signatures of as many 2009 NL Champions as possible. Key signatures are: Cliff Lee, Ryan Howard, Chase Utley, Charlie Manuel, Cole Hamels and Jimmy Rollins.
Progress: To date I have 13 members of the team on the ball, with most being acquired at the annual ALS autograph party held by Phillies Charities. Signatures on the ball are: Charlie Manuel (IP personal appearance at a car dealership 6/11), Rich Dubee (ALS '11), Jimmy Rollins (ALS '10), Carlos Ruiz (ALS '10), Raul Ibanez (ALS '10), Ben Francisco (ALS '10), Matt Stairs (IP 5/11), Cliff Lee (ALS '11), Joe Blanton (ALS '11), Scott Eyre (IP during '11 Alumni Weekend), Chase Utley (ALS '10), Eric Bruntlett (IP 2/11), Brad Lidge (IP '11).

1993 Phillies Team Ball
Background: Being a 15 year-old fan during the great 1993 season, this team is and will always be my favorite. I have been collecting this ball for years, and have a lot of great memories from meeting guys like Darren Daulton, Mickey Morandini and Mariano Duncan - and some strange ones, too (Curt Schilling and Lenny Dykstra).
Goal: To acquire the signatures of as many 1993 NL Champion Phillies as possible. Key signatures: Jim Fregosi, Lenny Dykstra, Curt Schilling, Darren Daulton, John Kruk.
Progress: So far I have 19 autographs on this ball, including all but one (Fregosi) of my designated "key signatures". All of these have been received during some kind of in-person interaction - ALS, public signings or Alumni Weekend. Players I have so far are: Milt Thompson, Mickey Morandini, Darren Daulton, Mariano Duncan, Todd Pratt, Kim Batiste, Tommy Greene, Wes Chamberlain, Ben Rivera, David West, Roger Mason, Mitch Williams, John Kruk, Pete Incaviglia, Ricky Jordan, Jim Eisenreich, Kevin Stocker, Curt Schilling and Lenny Dykstra.
1965 Phillies Team Ball
Background: One of my main offseason TTM projects for the winter of 2011-12. I chose to collect this team because I have always enjoyed the teams and players of the 1960s and haven't had a lot of previous interaction with the guys from the 1965 team. It didn't hurt that many of the living team members sign for free TTM.
Goal: To have as many of the living team members as possible sign the ball. Key signatures: Jim Bunning, Clay Dalrymple, Bobby Wine.
Progress: To date I have collected six signatures on the ball. Art Mahaffey, Tony Taylor, Johnny Briggs (all IP) and Ray Herbert (12/11 TTM), Gary Wagner (12/11 TTM), Jack Baldschun (9/12 TTM).
1960 Sports Illustrated
Background: I have several Phillie, SI covers signed by the cover subject (Art Mahaffey, Jim Bunning, Greg Luzinski, Carlos Ruiz). Bought this magazine on eBay for $10
Goal: To have as many of the living 1960 Phillies sign the cover of my March 7-13 edition of Sports Illustrated as possible.
Progress: To date I have had the following players sign the cover -
Al Dark (TTM - Home), Bobby Gene Smith (TTM - Home), Ruben Amaro, Sr. (IP - July '11), Bobby Malkmus (TTM- Home), Ted Lepcio (TTM - Home), Bobby Del Greco (TTM - Home), Tony Taylor (IP - September '11), Joe Morgan (TTM - Home), Tony Gonzalez (TTM - Home), Gene Conley (TTM - Home), Clay Dalrymple (TTM - Home), Dallas Green (TTM - Home), Taylor Phillips (TTM - Home), Bobby Wine (IP - August '12)
1960 Sports Illustrated Cover - Phillies (5/13/12) |
1971 Phillies Team Ball
Background: One of my primary collectibles are team balls from various seasons. I have always collected multi-signed balls - starting as a kid in the '80s down at the fence during batting practice before games at Veterans Stadium. Occasionally I will buy a reasonably priced team signed ball, but prefer to start with a blank and fill it out myself. Bought OMLB in fall '10.
Goal: To have living members of the 1971 Phillies sign the ball. Key signatures are: Frank Luchessi, Larry Bowa, Jim Bunning and Rick Wise
Progress: I have primarily relied on filling out this ball with personal, through the mail requests to team members. To date the following have signed:
Frank Luchessi, MGR (TTM - Home), Denny Doyle (TTM - Home), Mike Ryan (TTM - Home), Ron Stone (TTM - Home), Terry Harmon (IP - 12/10), Ken Reynolds (TTM - Home), Billy De Mars (TTM - Home), Darrell Brandon (TTM - Home), Larry Bowa (TTM - Home), Woodie Fryman (TTM - Home), Jim Bunning (TTM - Home 10/12)

1980 Phillies Team Photo
Background: I bought this picture at a flea market years ago. It is made of a lighter grade paper, and seems to have been pulled from a magazine or program (sometime after the 1980 World Series). I have a couple 1980 team-themed items. After completing the team ball, I kept seeing members of the World Champs at events and signing through the mail and thought I'd start sending this picture around. This is a good example of collecting to collect!
Goal: To get as many of the living players/coaches to sign as possible.
Progress: I have primarily targeted players/coaches TTM - and since many of them sign for free, should be able to get a lot of the guys at a low cost. So far I have received signatures from: Kevin Saucier, Randy Lerch, Lonnie Smith, Mike Ryan, Billy De Mars, George Vukovich, Dallas Green, Lee Elia, Larry Bowa, Del Unser, Bobby Wine, Ramon Aviles, Lerrin Lagrow, Dan Larson and Larry Christenson, Ron Reed (all TTM) and Dickie Noles (at CBP during '11 alumni weekend), Garry Maddox and Greg Luzinski (at CBP during '12 alumni weekend).
1980 Phillies Team Picture (5/13/12) |
1964 Phillies Team Photo
Background: It's funny that I have two team photos going right now. Prior to this I had never really gotten into collecting them - and generally prefer collecting team signed baseballs. Over the past two years I have really been on a 1964 Phillies kick - starting a team ball and getting signatures on 12 of the 24 Bulletin photos from that fateful September - and when I saw this item, I could not resist.
I saw it on eBay as $35 OBO (Tip: If OBO is offered - make an offer! More times than not you are able to get the item for less than the Buy Now price). I recognized it as the the centerfold of the 1989 Old Timer's Day give-away commemorating the team's 25th Anniversary. The picture - which measures 11"x17" - seemed in pretty good shape, had a frame and already contained the signatures of 7 players: Tony Gonzalez, Clay Dalyrmple, Dallas Green, Bobby Wine, John Briggs, Ruben Amaro and the deceased Cal McLish. Knowing the players on the team are generally a good TTM signing group I thought it might be a good "keep busy" project. I offered $20 - and it was accepted.
Goal: As with most of these projects - see how many of the living team members I can have sign.
Progress: This picture has been in the mail a lot over the past 7 or 8 months! After starting with a lead of 7 signatures, I am now up to 21 total. The additions I have made are: Gus Triandos, Ray Culp, John Herrnstein, Danny Cater, Art Mahaffey, Dennis Bennett, Bob Oldis, Rick Wise, Roy Sievers, Jim Bunning - all TTM - and Tony Taylor (September '11), Dick Allen (October '11), Jack Baldschun, Cookie Rojas (November '11) at in-person signings.
1964 Phillies Team Picture (5/13/12) |
2008 Phillies Team Ball
Background: Over the past few years I have seen a lot of great items related to this team getting signed at shows or Phillies events by fellow collectors. As a collector of team signed baseball's my collection
has to include one from the 2008 World Champions! I bought an OMLB World Series baseball during the winter of 2009 with the intentions of turning it into a team signed ball. I started with Pedro Feliz and have been adding to it ever since.
Goal: To collect as many signatures of the 2008 Phillies as possible.
Progress: Primarily because of the annual ALS Autograph Party at CBP I have been able to get 14 of the guys to sign the ball for me - though I have acquired a few at shows here and there. I have been lucky enough to get a couple of the key guys like Chase Utley, Cole Hamels and Ryan Howard at ALS. So far I have: Charlie Manuel, Matt Stairs, Eric Bruntlett, Carlos Ruiz, Ryan Madson, Brad Lidge, Rich Dubee, Joe Blanton, Scott Eyre (great get during Alumni Weekend at CBP this year), Pedro Feliz, JC Romero, Jimmy Rollins, Pat Burrell and Kyle Kendrick - in addition to the guys I mentioned earlier.